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If you’re a busy entrepreneur, there are numerous things to keep in mind. One thing you’re probably thinking about is your online presence. While making sure the platform and security are stable, the actual design of your website is just as crucial. Here are four key reasons why good web design is so important for the success of your business.

1. First Impressions

Once a potential customer lands on your website, you provide them with their first impression of your business. You’ve got just a few seconds to make it a good one. If the site is outdated or unappealing, your audience will have a negative perception not only of the site but of what you have to offer. If the web design is high-quality, your lead will remain on your page, possibly interact with the site in some way, and likely return. Think of your website as being like an effective customer service representative — welcoming and easy to navigate.

2. Competition

Your successful competitors are already using skillful web design. It’s important you do the same if you want to play in their leagues. Study the web design of your competitors. Think about how your business can stand out from the rest. You might have similar pricing and the same services, but there’s also something about your business that’s special. Showcase your unique features.

3. Trust

Well-designed websites engender trust. Web design that reflects best practices in your line of business will ease the mind of a potential customer who is considering investing money in your goods and/or services. There’s a sense of comfort with you, leading to curiosity and the urge to check you out further. Your audience will stay on your site longer and investigate what you have to offer; that means they’re more likely to become a lead.

4. SEO

There are key web design elements that affect how you publish content, which then influences how search engines index your website. Search engine optimization (SEO) is key to your visibility. It’s imperative that you make SEO a high priority when creating your website. To do this, it’s a good idea to consult with a web design agency that has a reputation for effective SEO practices. It’s a wise investment in the health of your business.

Good web design works in tandem with your business to deliver profitable results. Consider these factors when establishing your online presence.