What Can a Stated Income Loan
Offer Your Business?
When it comes to flexible financing, a stated income commercial real estate loan is invaluable. The stated income loans offered by Spearing Capital & Consulting allow you to use the money you receive in any way you deem fit to enrich your business, from consolidating debt to refinancing. Our terms are competitive and our loans come with many benefits to help your company thrive.
How Are Traditional and Stated Income Loans Different?
While traditional and stated income loans have many similarities, they have two distinct differences. Stated income loans require less documentation and paperwork than traditional financing solutions so they are often approved more quickly. The second difference is the approval process. Traditional loans are approved based on credit history, so new businesses or those struggling financially often do not qualify. Stated income loans are approved based on property value, so if your business owns property with a value exceeding the cost of its expenses, it qualifies. This approval process makes stated income loans much easier to qualify for.
What Are the Benefits of a Stated Income Loan?
While flexibility is the main benefit of stated income commercial real estate loans, this avenue of financing offers many other benefits. Not only can you use the money in any way to enrich your business, but a credit score of at least 600 also grants you the following benefits.
- Commercial properties qualify for 65% LTV.
- Owner-occupied and investment properties qualify for 70% LTV.
- Mixed-use and multi-family properties qualify for 75% LTV.
- You stand to receive a loan amount of up to $500,000.
- You will receive W-2 and self-employment documentation.
- You can receive loan terms of up to 25 years with fixed rates.

Contact Us Today
A stated income commercial real estate loan could be the ideal avenue of financing to help your company grow. If you are interested in learning more about what this avenue of financing can do for your business, contact Spearing Capital & Consulting today.