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What if someone told you that you could own a business even when you are financially low? It would sound insane, but it is simpler than you might think. Using leveraged buyout to purchase an enterprise is a practice that has been there for a while now. However, you might be among the multitude that does not understand what this phenomenon entails. Therefore, this article will help you understand this matter better.

Definition of a Leveraged Buyout

When it comes to owning a business, you will need money for it. Nonetheless, when you purchase an enterprise using leveraged buyout, it means you are using the business’ assets and cash flow to facilitate the purchase. This practice has become widespread among big corporations, but you can take advantage of it even if you want to buy a small business. That way, you will save yourself the traditional 2 to 5 years required to build an enterprise from scratch.

The Process of a Leveraged Buyout

There are some specific steps you should follow when buying a business using this technique. The steps are:

Find the Business

This starts by understanding your passion and conducting detailed due diligence and research. It is advisable to create a list of the type of businesses you would want to own – although some of them may not be up for sale. You can leverage online marketplaces to find businesses on sale.


At this step, you meet the prospective seller to find out more about their enterprise. The interview should not worry you because all you need is to ask a few questions. This may include identifying how much the business makes annually, its profit, the value of inventory and equipment, and how much the seller wants. The interview is followed by negotiations, whereby you explain to the seller why you deem yourself the best buyer.

Acquire a Loan

The key here is to buy the enterprise without money. So, you should consider getting asset-based financing to facilitate the purchase. This means that the business’ assets will act as collateral for the loan.

Owning a business has become even more manageable over the last few years, considering the emergence of life-saving methods, such as using a leveraged buyout. Feel free to contact Spearing Capital & Consulting, Inc. for all the financial help and advice you may require.